✨I was asked, “who’s voice do you admire?”. The first person that comes to mind most of the time is my Grandmother. To share all the reasons why and the wisdom she has bestowed upon me would take a thousand posts. So for today I’ll share one of her favourites things that she passed on to me…travelling! We visited Cuba, Mexico, Hawaii but the trip that stands out is the one in Portugal. 🌎

My grandmother loved to travel. She had a map on her wall and would pin the places she’d been and seen. She had boxes and boxes of photographs and stories that would captivate me for hours. 🙏

One of the many gifts she gave me was her travel bug. I started working and saving $ for adventures at 11 years old. By the time I hit 18, I had 3 jobs to make sure I could last at least 6 months on my European tour. I jetted off to London first in 1999 and had no idea how I was about to expand. It was a trip that changed my life forever. I visited 12 countries in 6 months and I had a job lined up to work at a bar on the beach in Santorini Greece for the summer of 2000. However, my grandmother knew I had enough adventuring and she knew it was time to come home and deal with my pain and childhood trauma. So she planned to join me in the Algarve in Portugal for my 21st birthday and sneakily had already bought my return flight home for March.

My grandmother was my living angel on earth and will always be my guardian. I am alive today because she nurtured my soul. I am thriving today because she supported my spirit’s expression and encouraged me to live a life I love. Thank you Grandma 🙏💗


