A thought that continues to influence my day to day experience is, “everybody is doing the best they can”. Twenty years ago when I was doing weekly therapy, working through some childhood pains I realized that my parents did the best they could. That way of thinking changed everything for me. In that moment I had to stop blaming them for what was happening in my life. I had to take full responsibility for being the creator of all the things I was attracting into my life; the positive things and the less desirable. They were all lessons meant for me, to help me grow and heal. I know you’ve probably heard this before but here’s another reminder. The challenges, the losses, the pain, and the triggers are for your benefit. Once you actually heal the past pains you will notice that you are more easily able to respond to life instead of reacting with highly charged emotional responses. Are you paying attention to the big feelings that are surfacing? Do you get curious when they do and explore what your emotions are trying to tell you? Are you letting past hurts and fears run your life? Are you still expecting other people to make you happy? If you can’t take full responsibility for your feelings and your choices then you’ve got some work to do friend. Remember that everyone is doing the best they can and it’s up to you to do the best you can to live a life you love. It’s important to have compassion and grace for others as we navigate relationship dynamics and don’t forget to give yourself the same. I’m rooting for you and your most authentic expression.
xo Carsen